Decorative Bird Houses

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Decorative Bird Houses: Shelters for Our Garden Birds

There are two main characteristics for your decorative bird house to be occupied: the size of the birdhouse and the size/location of the entrance hole.Indeed, the decorative bird house must be able to accommodate a large brood that can count up to a dozen chicks for some tits! Knowing that in the end, they are all big enough to fly away! They therefore need the necessary space, and a good-sized and well-placed entrance for their safety.

Crafting the Perfect Ornamental Avian Abode

Our experience with birds has allowed us to manufacture bird houses for different species with all the characteristics necessary for great success. (Birdhouses made in France, using French wood in our carpentry workshop!)To attract blue tits, marsh tits, or crested tits, your decorative bird house for tits should have a 28mm hole.To accommodate great tits, as well as sparrows, nuthatches, or common redstarts, a decorative bird house for tits will have a diameter of 34mm.

Placement Tips for Your Artistic Avian Residences

Install several birdhouses in your garden, and you will satisfy all bird families, including tits. Don't install them too close to each other, and especially not next to feeders: nobody dreams of raising their babies above a busy bar!A decorative bird house brings life and colors to your garden!

Choosing the Right Stylish Bird Dwelling

To maximize your chances, start with a birdhouse suitable for tits as they easily nest near homes. Look for the small blue or black tit, for which the birdhouse entrance will have a diameter of 28 mm, or the great tit, which is larger and will choose a 34mm entrance.Hanging a bird house means a family is settling in...

Key Factors in Selecting an Elegant Avian Home

A birdhouse should be chosen carefully: the bird is interested in 3 criteria:
  • The size of the hole
  • The interior volume
  • Ventilation without humidity!
The rest is just decoration to suit your tastes in choosing your bird cottage. You can even call it whatever you like! Bird cabin, bird shelter, or even bird niche!

Varieties of Charming Bird Residences

28mm diameter, birdhouse for small birds like blue tits, marsh tits... A 28 mm diameter: the birdhouse for small birds welcomes blue tits, crested tits, or marsh tits, but other small birds may also surprise you by settling in your bird cabin.The interior habitat has been designed to accommodate large families: in birdhouses for small birds, parents are capable of caring for a brood of up to 8 or 10 chicks.34 mm diameter, birdhouse for birds like great tits, nuthatches, sparrows... A 34 mm diameter: For slightly larger passerines! Great tits, nuthatches, sparrows, and many other bird species will find refuge in your bird shelter.

Specialized Decorative Bird Houses: Swallow Nests

Swallow houses, great success with barn swallows and house martins You can hang your swallow house under your gutter. If you're worried about droppings under the birdhouse, you can install a wooden board slanted outwards, under the house.What a pleasure to see swallows flying and brushing the ground of your garden... By allowing swallows to settle in your swallow house, you are participating in the development of this protected species (our advice: swallow nest legislation). The swallow house is a real little bird niche.

Maximizing Avian Occupancy in Your Garden

Multiply bird cabins to increase your chances of having broods in your garden To multiply your chances of having broods in your garden, multiply the birdhouses, and vary the sizes of openings. Consult our advice section on how to install your birdhouse. To help you recognize birds, consult our section on recognizing birds.

Timing and Maintenance of Your Decorative Bird Houses

When to install a birdhouse or bird home? Install your birdhouse from February, so that parents can spot their future home. But a bird house hung in April can also be inhabited in less than 24 hours!When the brood takes flight, don't forget to fill your feeders. The learning then takes place under your windows, where you can observe the parents feeding the little ones while teaching them to become autonomous.Maintenance of birdhouses The secret to having occupied birdhouses is to have clean birdhouses. Don't forget to maintain your birdhouse by following our advice in our "how to maintain your birdhouse" section. All our birdhouses have been designed for easy cleaning.Our site will give you all the necessary information for the installation of your birdhouse, bird cottage, bird niche, or bird cabin... Find our complete range of bird food.